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Welcome to CP

Who are we? Well, there’s Niran, there’s Vinay, Pradeep, there’s Angel, Kit, there’s Mandri, Josh, Nan, Tash, and there’s Kahless and Deryn… that’s about it, for now. We’re all humans and we all have the same amount of toes.


Why us?

What is now Capital Placement was once a two-man band consisting of first year law students, Niran and Vinay, who realised very early on in university just how tough the job market was going to be. It didn’t take more than a speech from a very frank law professor on ‘the real world’ to convince Niran and Vinay that they needed to get as much work experience as possible. With a bit of luck (we won’t disclose how much hustling), they volunteered, they ran for university committees, and they sought out as many internships as they could. Soon the pair found themselves helping their friends and their friends’ friends – even the university took a liking to their approach.
Fast-forward 10 years later and it’s no longer just two university students, but a pretty cool group of like-minded folks dedicated to bridging the gap between university and the working world. As cliche as it may seem, it’s really no exaggeration when we say that Capital Placement was created by interns, for interns.
Our take on things is quite simple – we see the job market as constantly evolving – we know that things are not what they were 20 years ago, much less 5 years ago. Whether it’s globalisation, the level of education or experience expected from graduates, the constant shifting and merging of industries, or the introduction of entirely new degrees and qualifications, there is always something changing. Unfortunately, change is inevitable. Fortunately, we’ve learnt not only how to navigate it, but champion it.
We can help you if you are here for;
Advice on how to start laying the foundations of your career.
Professional advice on developing your skills and working what your mamma gave you.
Advice on navigating and making the best of current market conditions.
Help moving abroad to start your career.

Why us?

Capital Placement – once a pair of law students trying to gain as much international experience through internships, now a group of like-minded folks dedicated to bridging the gap between university and the job market. It’s really no exaggeration when we say that Capital Placement was created by interns, for interns.

New degrees, merging industries, higher qualifications – whatever the change is, we understand that the job market is not what it used to be. Fortunately, we’ve learnt a thing or two about navigating it.

Advice on how to start laying the foundations of your career.
Professional advice on developing your skills and working what your mamma gave you.
Advice on navigating and making the best of current market conditions.
Help moving abroad to start your career.