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How to develop new skills quickly

Guide on how to develop new skills quickly

The job market is only getting more competitive and developing new skills quickly is an essential part of standing out. But where do you start? This guide explores the best strategies on how to learn new skills and learning frameworks. We will also explore a list of 7 skills you can teach yourself. Let’s dive in.

How to learn a new skill

Before we dive into the guide, we must first cover the basics of learning a new skill.

  1. Setting goals and creating a learning plan: Before embarking on a new skill, it’s important to set realistic goals and create a learning plan. Identify what you want to achieve and break down the skill into smaller, achievable goals. Create a timeline and a roadmap that outlines what you need to learn and when.


  2. Create a list of resources: There are a variety of resources available for learning new skills, including books, online courses, mentors, or communities. Choose the resources that best suit your learning style and preferences. For instance, if you prefer a hands-on approach, look for courses that offer practical exercises.
  3. Be active: In order to learn a new skill, you will have to actively practice. Practice makes perfect, so make sure to practice consistently. Set aside time each day or week to practice the new skill. Additionally, actively seek feedback from mentors or peers to improve and refine your technique.
  4. Stay motivated: Gamification can be a powerful tool to stay motivated when learning new skills. You add elements to your learning plan, such as mini-games, that get you excited. You can create a reward system for reaching milestones or completing certain tasks. This will help you stay motivated and engaged.
  5. Don’t let obstacles stop you: Even failure is an opportunity to learn and improve. When faced with setbacks or mistakes, don’t be discouraged by them. Instead, view them as opportunities to learn and refine your skills.

Choosing a learning framework

Many aren’t aware of the importance of learning frameworks. They can be effective tools for when you’re teaching yourself a new skill. They help you retain knowledge in the long term.

Choose the right learning framework for yourself. This will give you a structured way to gain new skills and knowledge. 

These frameworks help you prioritise the essential concepts or skills you need to acquire to achieve your goals. By eliminating the less important details, you can instead focus on the material that will significantly impact your learning. 

Additionally, they provide a structure to the learning process, which can make it more manageable and easier to follow — you can even track your progress. Learning frameworks can also help you learn more efficiently by providing them with strategies and techniques to optimise your earning process.

7 skills to teach yourself

Picking which skill to learn is as important as knowing how to learn. Picking the wrong skills for your industry or one that you aren’t interested in could hurt your progress. While outlining your career and personal goals, make sure to research what skills are in demand in your industry right now. 

Learning new skills is more accessible than ever, thanks to online courses and learning tools. Here are seven skills that you can learn by yourself quickly.

  1. Digital marketing is in high demand. You can learn the basics with online courses. Examples include Google Digital Garage and HubSpot Academy. These courses cover topics like SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, and more. You’ll learn how to attract, engage and convert your target audience online. 

  2. Graphic Design: Graphic design is a skill that can be learned with tools like Canva or Adobe Creative Suite. These tools provide templates, graphics, and tutorials to help you create stunning designs for various purposes. You can create graphics for social media, websites, presentations, or even print materials.
  3. Coding: Coding is a valuable skill to learn in today’s digital age. You can start by taking online courses on Codecademy or Udemy. These courses are designed for beginners and cover various programming languages like Python, Java, or JavaScript. You can learn at your own pace and even build your own projects to practice.
  4. Data analysis is a useful ability for many industries. You can learn to analyze data with Excel or Python. You can take online courses like DataCamp or Udemy to learn how to effectively manipulate, visualise, and analyse data.
  5. Photography: Photography is a skill that can help you capture memories and create stunning visuals. You can learn photography with online courses like Nikon School, Cambridge in Color, or Canon Online Learning. These courses cover topics like camera settings, lighting, composition, and post-processing.
  6. Social media management is an important skill. It can help you create an online presence and grow your business. It is a great tool to have in your arsenal. You can learn how to manage social media with courses on Hootsuite Academy, Hubspot or Meta. These courses cover topics like social media strategy, content creation, and analytics.
  7. Writing: Writing is a skill that can improve your communication skills and personal brand. You can improve your writing skills with online courses from Masterclass, Writer’s Digest University, Grammar Lion and more. These courses cover topics like grammar, style, and storytelling.

Keep in mind that soft skills are as crucial as technical/hard skills, so don’t forget to put some time into improving them. There are tons of platforms offering free and paid courses online.

Continuous learning and self-improvement are keys to success. Developing new skills is an essential part of both personal and professional growth. They help you stay competitive in the job space and can be a fun and rewarding experience. 



Kahless is a writer with a special interest in sociology. He spends much of his free time travelling, reading, writing, and stopping his cats from ripping apart everything he owns. It’s advised to bring along a strong cup of coffee (3 espresso shots minimum) when approaching him.

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