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Why you don’t need to rush into choosing a career

Jethro Tull once wrote that ‘Life’s a long song.’ We’re always being told how short life is and in some ways, that’s true – but careers are different. A career needs time to breathe, to be shaped and moulded over a long and hopefully rewarding process.

There is no rush to settle into a repetitive rhythm once you are finished with your studies. In fact, it seems the most opportune moment to do something daring and different, given that you are at the once-in-a-lifetime (literally!) stage of being both qualified and relatively devoid of responsibilities.

At this point, the world really is your oyster and there are no limitations on where you can go and what you can achieve when you get there. Whether you want to stay foot-loose and fancy free, gaining experience through internships in a wide range of countries or whether you have already pinpointed exactly where you want to head for, we’ll help you make the right decisions.

With the world gathering pace on its journey to becoming a ‘global community’, travel has never been a more important part of life and while the rewards in the short-term are clear in terms of discovery and learning, the long term benefit is that anyone treating an internship or placement as a sabbatical can rest assured they’ll return to their homeland with both their souls and their CVs the better for it!

In this day and age, it is impossible overstate the value of language skills and it’s a widely-accepted fact that there is no better way to learn than to be thrown in at the deep end and be forced to find ways to understand and make yourself understood… And that will be just one of many life-enhancing results of your adventure.

Of course, it takes a certain amount of bravery to leave behind all that you’ve known and break clear of the safety net of home. All we seek to do is equip you with as much information and encouragement as possible in order to help you take that step into the unknown and help you realise both your potential and your dreams.

Capital Placement

Capital Placement

Capital Placement offering global internship programmes for students and recent graduates since 2012 with one of our 1500+ partner companies across 25+ industries.

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