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How to choose a company to work for: 6 tips

How to choose a company

As a job seeker, you will be flooded with tons of job opportunities in the market. With so many choices, it may feel like an impossible task to decide, primarily where to work. However, this can be overcome by considering key factors to ensure that you make the best decisions for your career. Below are some tips on how to choose a company that’s right for you.

Development Opportunities

Join a company that can provide you with meaningful opportunities for professional growth. These opportunities can be promotions, skills development and training programs, lateral transfers, and other ways your talent can be nurtured.

The prospect of career advancement, such as a more prestigious or better-paying position, can motivate you to perform your duties to the fullest. Being productive, in turn, will benefit the company.

Team Culture

It’s difficult to say whether you’ll fit into the organisation perfectly or you’ll get along with your teammates right away. It’s even harder to judge how employee-oriented the company will be in terms of decision-making, strategy planning, and so on.

You can observe the people and the vibe of the workplace, and they match your idea of a conducive working environment. If you are working remotely, pay attention to “collaboration” and “communication” to get hints on the company’s team culture.


It’s the overall combination of salary and benefits that could win you over to a company. And in some cases, it’s the substantial perks that could make up for a not-so-great pay.

Your preferred benefits depend on your priorities, e.g., parenthood duties, education, and wellness. Nonetheless, you can agree with other job seekers whose top employee perks or programs include the following:

  • Health insurance
  • Flexible work hours
  • Retirement benefits
  • Paid vacation time
  • Fringe benefits


If a company offers you a position that promises high pay and a step up your current role, you’d be tempted to take it. It could be an excellent opportunity for you, although you may have to assess the company first. After all, the company’s circumstances and culture define your position, perks, and job security challenges.

For example, a managerial role in a startup company may be more fluid and ask you to go beyond the job description. That may not be the case in a traditional big firm with clearly defined roles and career paths, where the only way to go is up and with tough competition at that.


Ideally, you’d want to work with a good employer. For example, your prospect company can be among the best places to work, has received positive feedback in employer review sites, or is involved with the community and society.

The organisation may also have a reputation for attracting the best people, which can be an excellent opportunity for you to work with the best. Again, reputation may not be the most significant consideration, but perception does play a role in choosing to work there.


Are you comfortable working with 10 or 100 people? Smaller companies can have that laid back atmosphere vis-a-vis the formal air of larger organisations. Big companies may provide better benefits, while startups may offer more opportunities to acquire new skills or shine.

When choosing to work for a big or small company, think about its size’s impact on compensation, career growth, etc.

Final Thoughts

There’s no perfect employer, but there can be one that meets the qualifications you set. As companies screen applicants, take time to find the best company for you.

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Aubrey i​s a writer and a regular contributor. She writes on topics on job searching and career development in hopes to provide better tips on job hunting and career development.

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