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How to Find Internships That Don’t Suck

How to Find Internships That Don't Suck

How to Find Internships That Don’t Suck

Internships can sometimes suck. They can be unpaid, require long hours, and they can sometimes feel like you’re doing all the work. But don’t worry – those are all problems you can avoid.

Keep reading to find out how you can secure an internship that won’t suck.

First up, consider what is important to you for your internship. 

The key to finding an internship that you don’t loathe is simply noting down the *key* things you want out of your internship. The non-negotiables. For instance, does it need to be paid? Do you prefer a very structured internship program, or are you open to learning on the go? Do you want to work with other interns, or are you okay with being the only intern?

Here are a few more questions to ask yourself:

  • What am I looking to get out of this internship?
  • What would an internship that DID suck for me look like?
  • What are the most important things for me to learn during this internship?
  • Big company or start-up?

Why do you need to ask these questions?

To ensure you don’t agree to something that you are already unhappy with it. It’s like forcing yourself to go out when you realllllyyyy don’t want to. You’re bound to go into it disappointed and will ultimately look to knock it down more. It’s a guaranteed way to have an internship that WILL suck.

Now, we begin searching for internships that don’t suck 

Now that you know what a terrible internship would be like for you and what you want to avoid – it’s time to searching for some potential internship suitors. But where?

Where to find internships:

  • LinkedIn
  • General Google Search
  • Your University Careers Advisor
  • Your University Jobboard
  • Ratemyplacement
  • Internship providers, like us 😉
  • Recruitable – a digital platform listing paid remote internship opportunities across the globe
  • Friends and family

Now, what?

When you find some internship listing that sounds interesting, create a separate spreadsheet noting down the role, company, URL for the position, and why it sounded interesting to you. It will look like this.

When it comes to searching for internships, the key to finding one that doesn’t suck is to find ones you are interested in, such as the pay, the name of the role or the company, and the responsibilities in that specific position. If it excites you, then you’re on the right track. So channel you’re inner Marie Kondo – if it doesn’t bring you happiness, then throw it out.

You want to be picky here. Focus on quality, not quantity. If you aren’t happy about it, then you are guaranteed to hate it. Once you’ve made your hand-crafted, curated list of internships that excites you, then it’s time to apply. Here’s the benefit of applying for the internship roles that excite you, it will make it so much easier to express your excitement for the position in any potential cover letters you may have to do. Working smarter, not harder, am I right?

Okay, You’ve secured an interview for A Potential Internship That Won’t Suck 

Before doing any happy dances, you’ll need to first sus out your potential host company. Remember those questions you answered in the beginning about what you NEEDED in your internship? It’s time to ask them.

If you read our complete interview preparation guide, you’ll know when and why you need to have questions ready for your interview. If you haven’t read it, take a second to read it here. Don’t worry; we’ll wait.

So, now that you’ve read our guide about interview questions, you’ll know that you’ll have the prime opportunity to ask your questions about what the internship may be like at the end of your interview. This is where you can get more information about what day-to-day as their intern might look like if you’ll be working with other interns, what the training plan would look like, etc.

However, something to caveat here – remember only to ask questions that HAVE NOT or could NOT be answered in the internship listing or their website. You can, however, ask for more information if you need it. But, again, this is to avoid looking like you haven’t done any proper research into the company—a massive red flag for employers.

If you forget all of this, the main takeaway I want you to have is to ask questions. Ask loads of them. The more information you have, the more informed a decision you can make. Therefore, the more likely you will land an internship doesn’t suck. 

Now, You’ve Secured An Internship That Won’t Suck – Here’s How to Maintain It That Way.

If your internship started as sunshine and roses and have quickly turned into soured milk and rain – here’s what to do.

  • Write down what the problem is first.
  • Consult your internship supervisor or mentor
  • Bring it up at your review.
  • Work with your supervisor to realign yourself and the company on the right track.

Final Thoughts

Finding an Internship that doesn’t suck requires you to ask hard questions, find out what’s essential, and stick by them when you do secure interviews. You are the CEO of your career – it’s time to make decisions like one. That means saying no to any company presenting red flags or does not excite you.

But, by doing so – you will be protecting your time, energy and career path. You got this.

Julia Hurtado

Julia Hurtado

Having spent an entire summer dedicated to travelling abroad, Julia now focuses on helping other students experience life outside their home country. As an American now working in London, Julia enjoys sharing advice on interning abroad, sipping tea (with 2 sugars, 1 milk please) and reading in her spare time.

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