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How to Get Promoted Faster

Promoted Faster

Many people wonder how to get promoted at work. It’s not as hard as it seems. All you need is a little bit of patience and a lot of hard work. Just make sure to not slack off and you’ll be well on your way to the top!

Here’s how to rise through the ranks in the fastest way possible

1. Proceed with a Plan

A career plan contains your aspirations and course of action to achieve your goals. If you intend to be a CEO at 30, you’ll need to be promoted faster and jump many levels to reach the coveted spot. This plan, as written and updated regularly, is your progress tracker and a reminder to stay motivated.

How to Foolproof Your Career Plan

  • Find a career that suits your skills and interests and allows you to grow. 
  • Choose a company that supports faster upward mobility and related opportunities. 
  • Set a specific timeline, e.g., be a company director within five years.  

2. Own Your Work

Your commitment to your job is evident in the effort you exert to produce the most favourable outcome. Exceeding the monthly sales quota, winning a big client, or saving your company money, among many things, gets management to notice you and builds your reputation as a reliable employee. Quality work, coupled with consistency, may move you closer to a job promotion.

Taking ownership of your work also means being involved in the process from beginning to end. You ask questions, solve problems, collaborate, and be successful even despite a few instructions given.

3. Welcome Feedback 

How you perceive yourself may be different from how others see you. For a more unbiased or realistic view, consider what other people you work with say about your work. One-on-one meetings, performance reviews, and huddles are perfect venues for getting feedback.

If you receive negative feedback, try not to react right away as some experts say. Clarify, take time to process the information, and figure out the steps to address the concern. You can also tell your boss that you want to be promoted so that they can give you actionable insights. 

4. Take the Initiative 

Sometimes, superb performance is not enough to move up in the company. You may have to formally declare your intent for career advancement. Given the right timing and coordination with your immediate boss, a formal letter may be your ticket to get promoted faster or be up for consideration. 

In your written request, build an airtight case on why you deserve the promotion. Talk about your qualifications and achievements backed by data. Also, reveal what you can offer if you get the new role.

5. Polish Your Leadership Skills

A step above your current position means more responsibility. You may have to handle a team and thus keep them under your guidance. Conflicts, issues, and unpopular decisions do complicate things when managing people.  

In preparation for leadership roles, strengthen your interpersonal skills. Be that leader who can steer your team to victory and deal with setbacks. Communication, empathy, active listening, and trust belong to a long list of traits for effective leadership. 

6. Work Well With Others

Your potential to be a great manager or team leader manifests in how you treat coworkers. Even without a leadership position, you can lend a helping hand when they get stuck with a problem. You can also help your team and manager succeed in their roles.

This goes without saying that you can ascend the corporate ladder without stepping on anyone. Your best competition can be yourself as you continuously work toward self-improvement. Your manager’s recommendation or coworkers’ feedback may help in your bid to get promoted.

7. Invest in Your Development 

Earning an advanced degree may fast-track your promotion. Ask your HR about the qualifications for a managerial post or any mentorship programs. These initiatives show your willingness to learn and humility.

As you become a specialist in your field, your chances of getting promotions or good pay increase. You will also feel more confident about yourself and your prospects. Learning how to edit photos, create ads on Youtube, and other skills makes you flexible.  


Waiting is certainly not an option if you want to get promoted faster. Take note of the tips above, and boost your promotability today.




Aubrey i​s a writer and a regular contributor. She writes on topics on job searching and career development in hopes to provide better tips on job hunting and career development.

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