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Increase your chances of getting an internship

We don’t choose our interns based on past work experience. In fact, Capital Placement was established precisely for this reason. To counteract the chicken-and-egg scenario of getting work experience, when you have no experience.

However, we do select candidates who show the promise to succeed in their chosen field.  We emphasise enthusiasm and passion, over previous work experience and achievements. This article highlights the two main aspects of a successful application: the CV and the answer to the motivation question.

Your resume/CV

Your CV is how we assess your overall suitability for one of our placements. It should definitely include the following:

  1. Education background. Both university and pre-University education
  2. Demonstration of key transferable skills.
  3. Interest and ambitions. Try to keep them relevant to the internship to which you are applying
  4. Any previous work experience. Try to highlight how this experience  is relevant to the programme you are applying to.  For example, if you have retail experience and are applying to a Legal internship, explain how this experience will help you in the client facing aspect of a legal internship.

You should also avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Making the CV too long. Aim for 1 or 2 pages, avoiding white space on the page. This shows the ability to select key skills and achievements that are appropriate to the role.
  2. Including obvious skills. Things such as the ability to use Microsoft Office  should be presupposed of any University student or graduate. Therefore, do not include these on your CV.
  3. Including the phrase “references available on demand” or referees. This is obvious and usually a waste of space on any CV.   Overall, the key to an effective CV, is being succinct and targeting it to the specific position to which you applying.

Motivation Question

This is your chance to impress our recruiters. We are looking for anything that shows enthusiasm for your chosen position and internship destination. Try to include anything that will make you stand out from other candidates.

The key to writing an effective answer is to keep it short, the best answers are under two hundred words.

This is your chance to show off your knowledge of your chosen industry in the country you are applying to. As well as outline, how the internship will help you with your future career aspirations.



Co-founded Capital Placement in 2012 and he has lived, studied and worked across the globe, with experience in the United Kingdom, United States, Asia and Europe.

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