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A complete guide to job application emails

job application email

Companies need to be able to assess potential employees to find the best fit for their organisation. The email is often the first impression a company will have of a potential employee. It’s crucial, then, for the email to be professional and well constructed.

The following are some tips for writing a well-organised email that will make you stand out.

How to Email a Company for a Job 

Writing an email applying for or inquiring about a job is similar to email marketing in some ways. You need to determine your audience, which happens to be the potential employer, and the purpose of your email, which is a job application. However, don’t let applying for a job via email scare you. Rather embolden you. Using email for a job application is an effective way to introduce and sell yourself a little more than a standard job application you might see on LinkedIn. 

The most essential part of applying with a job application email is to get the recipient to open your email. It’s just the start because you still need to convince them to read the contents of the email and open the attachments. If everything goes well, they might schedule you for an interview.

What to Include in Your Job Application Email 

Compose your application email with these essential parts:

  • The subject line is ideally clear, short, and relevant. Your Name – Job Title is one format. 
  • Salutation can be specific or general but still formal. Dear Mr./Ms., Dear Hiring Manager, and To Whom It May Concern are examples.      
  • Body covers the position you are applying for and some of your best points in relation to the vacancy, such as what you can bring to the table. 
  • Closing allows you to end the letter professionally and often includes a call to action.
  • Signature shows your name, contact information, professional title, etc.  
  • Attachments include a CV and cover letter labelled, mentioned, and downloadable in standard file formats. This includes putting your name on each one as recruiters may have others with similar names. 
  • Scan the job description carefully for any instructions on what to use in the subject line and so on.

Sample Email for Job Application

Sample #1:

Subject: Crystal Water – Assistant Manager

” Dear HR Manager, 

My former manager K Matthews, who is head of sales in your company, informed me of this assistant manager role. 

I have two years of experience handling similar responsibilities, such as motivating employees and resolving disputes, outlined in the job description. I am currently taking a bachelor’s degree in business psychology at Z University to be more effective in my future roles.

Please find attached my CV and cover letter to know more about my academic background and professional experience. 

I am available to answer your questions regarding my application. Please let me know. 


Crystal Water


[email protected] 

Sample #2:

Subject: Patricia Gomez – Social Media Manager Position at Tide

“Dear [Name],

I came across the position of a social media manager currently available at Tide. I came across this listing on LinkedIn and believe that I am an excellent fit for it and hold the relevant skills and experience to excel in this role. 

I am a recent graduate from Kings College London, where I studied my B.A. in Marketing Management. Alongside my degree, I worked as an account manager. I managed the social media accounts for multiple clients. In addition, I organised influencer campaigns that resulted in over 500 pieces of UGC and a combined reach of 50 million views. 

I’m keen to use this experience and skills in social media management to contribute to the growth at Tide. 

Attached is a copy of my cover letter, CV and portfolio that further outlines my experience and skills and demonstrates my fit for this role. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need additional information. 

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 

Kind regards, 

Patricia Gomez

[email protected] 

Sample #3:

“Dear Julia, 

I came across the position of a Digital Strategy Manager currently available at Actico Consultancy while on LinkedIn. 

I believe that I am an excellent fit for the role and hold the relevant skills and experience to excel in it. I have 2 years of experience in management consulting at Accenture as part of the digital transformation team. 

My expertise lies in running Innovation and Design Thinking workshops for our clients looking to transform their business and helping them pull together business cases to understand which technology solution can give them the best ROI and support their long term goals. As a result of this, my clients have had an ROI over of 100 million.

Attached is a copy of my cover letter, CV and portfolio that further outlines my experience and skills and demonstrates my fit for this role. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need additional information. 

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 

Kind regards, 

Savannah Smith

[email protected] 

Key Takeaways For Apply via Email 

  • Keep it short and snappy.
  • Be creative, and don’t just settle for “I’m emailing to apply for [__] position. My application is attached.” 
  • Personalise it. 
  • Mention the exact job you’re applying for.
  • Be polite and formal.

Before You Hit The “Send” Button, Remember To: 

Notably, applicant tracking systems are focused on scanning keywords on resumes. But it’s worth trying that in your email: catch the reader’s attention by using relevant keywords found in the job description.

Final Thoughts

Almost all jobs, including those who want to be trained in police procedures and paid volunteers for a Mars project, involve applying via email. So there’s no better time to perfect your skills in writing this kind of email than now. Moreover, a job application email is an opportunity to sell yourself a little more than you can in a typical job application. 

You need to send your application as soon as possible to beat the competition. With the insights shared above, you are positioned to craft emails that genuinely work and land you a job. Once you’ve secured the role, it’s time to prep for your interview. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Check out our complete guide on preparing for a job interview here.

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Aubrey i​s a writer and a regular contributor. She writes on topics on job searching and career development in hopes to provide better tips on job hunting and career development.

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