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7 Tips: How to make the most of your internship

So, you’ve finally got an internship, what can you do now to make the most of it?

For some of you, it could really be your first time in an office environment or even your first time working. Here are some times we think could be useful for you to get the most out of your internship.

  • Ask questions – Don’t be afraid to ask questions and soak up the information given. It shows that you’re willing to learn and have a genuine interest in the job. The best way to stand out is to be eager to learn.
  • Have a positive attitude – Be enthusiastic and willing to take on assignments and tasks. Remember to never act like a task you’ve been given is belittling or menial, always do it with great enthusiasm even though it may be difficult at times.
  • Network – This is your chance to get to know people, get up and speak to people from all levels. Get to know the other interns who will grow with you through your careers and make contacts with senior staff members. The more people that know you and what you’re capable of, the more they will support you when you get the chance to turn your internship into a full-time job!
  • Treat the internship like a job and dress for success – Remember that you should always dress for the job that you want, rather than the one that you have. Treat the internship like a real job and it will show your colleagues and managers that you take your job seriously.
  • Understand the office norms and culture – Try to understand what the culture and norms in the office are, is there a specific font used in documents and emails? Does everyone get to meetings at a particular time e.g. 15 minutes early?
  • Practice good time management – This one is vital, 9:00AM means 8:45AM. Ensure you’re on time; in fact try to be early. You will no doubt stand out and impress your managers.
  • Be receptive to feedback – Try and ask your manager how you’re doing and if what you’re doing is in line with the organisations goals and priorities. Ask what you could do better. Internships are all about learning so make sure you get feedback and act upon it.


Co-founded Capital Placement in 2012 and he has lived, studied and worked across the globe, with experience in the United Kingdom, United States, Asia and Europe.

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