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The full digital marketing toolkit for 2024

The top marketing toolkit you'll need to prep for this year

Among the many fields that saw significant transformations over the past year, digital marketing certainly stands out. Staying ahead in marketing in 2024 requires understanding and adapting to multiple emerging trends, which is why we’ve prepared this marketing toolkit. 

A big thank-you to Chloe Simms, Marketing Manager at Ripple—a UK-based retail design agency—whose valuable insights and experiences helped informe this article.

A glimpse into 2023

In 2023, marketing witnessed significant transformations driven by consumer-centric approaches and AI integration—despite the many concerns surrounding it. A few notable trends that dominated in 2023 include: 

  • Podcasting as a powerful tool for relationship-building 
  • AI, particularly tools like ChatGPT, for streamlining content creation. 
  • While short-form vertical videos remain vastly popular, lengthy traditional-style video essays continue to hold down their segment
  • Repurposing content from video podcasts can effortlessly lead to engaging social media content. 

In comparing marketing strategies between 2023 and what can be achieved in 2024, the introduction of AI as a core tool marks a significant leap forward. However, it’s important to note that AI usage is still at its nascent stage, therefore currently, there isn’t a perfect method of incorporating it as a tool.

Businesses have successfully leveraged AI for predictive analytics, personalised advertising, and content generation. Meanwhile, AI is changing how search results are delivered, emphasising deeper, experience-based written content over easily answerable queries. 

This means that businesses can now focus on creating content that AI struggles to replicate, such as content based on personal experiences and expert opinions. Alternatively, prioritising YouTube for search-based content can capitalise on the platform’s preference for human-generated content.

Many marketers believe that emails are still quite effective in terms of generating leads. Lead magnets are evolving, too, with quizzes (interestingly) proving to be highly effective in capturing the attention you need. In addition to this, Meta ads remain a potent tool for driving email list subscriptions. 

Rising digital marketing trends in 2024

Cyberclick released an excellent overview of emerging trends in its report titled ‘128 Digital Marketing Trends 2024’. According to the report, looking ahead to 2024, several trends are set to reshape digital marketing strategies. A few of the most notable trends are as follows. 

1. People-led marketing (PLM) in the lead

Putting people at the forefront, PLM emphasises user-generated content, data-driven insights, and automation to enhance brand-consumer connections.

2. AI-driven marketing reaches new heights 

AI will play an important role in data analysis, targeted advertising, and customer segmentation, enabling more personalised experiences and streamlined workflows.

3. TikTok remains highly relevant for businesses

With TikTok’s influence transcending borders, marketers must establish a presence on the platform to engage younger demographics and utilise its diverse content formats.

4. Email marketing isn’t going anywhere

Email marketing remains a potent tool, alongside chat and mobile notifications, emphasising the importance of personalised and relevant messaging.

5. Best channels for ROI 

SEO, content marketing, and Google Ads (SEM) are projected to offer the highest ROI, highlighting the significance of incorporating these channels into marketing strategies.

6. Video marketing and ads

Video content will continue to reign supreme, with vertical videos and live streaming driving higher engagement and conversion rates.

7. Niche content

Targeting specific audiences through niche platforms, podcasts, and influencers will become more prevalent, offering higher engagement and loyalty.

8. Allbound strategies 

Combining inbound and outbound approaches, allbound strategies aim to enhance customer acquisition and sales by fostering interactive communication and providing valuable content.

Your marketing toolkit for 2024

Luckily for us, marketers today have a range of tools to connect effectively with their audience—so riding these trends is going to be a cakewalk … or is it? These tools offer insights into customers, competitors, and markets, helping businesses compete by delivering targeted messages across various channels.

On the flip side, choosing the right marketing tools can be tricky with so many options available. The number of marketing technology applications has proliferated, with new challenger tools emerging, often offering better features than established ones.

Here are a few you should definitely familiarise yourself with if you haven’t already!


Semrush stands out as an all-in-one platform, offering a suite of tools for SEO, content marketing, market research, advertising, and more. With features like organic traffic boosting, competitor analysis, and social media strategy building, Semrush provides a holistic approach to digital marketing that helps businesses grow their online visibility and reach.

Google Analytics 

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for tracking website traffic and gaining invaluable insights into user behaviour. It offers customisable metrics and dimensions, real-time updates, and comprehensive reporting tools. Google Analytics helps marketers understand their audience better, optimise their websites, and measure the performance of their marketing efforts.

Google Ads 

Google Ads remains a staple in digital marketing, offering unparalleled reach and targeting capabilities across various businesses. While it may seem daunting at first, Google Ads provides a platform for driving website visits, increasing calls from customers, and boosting footfall in physical stores. 

With AI-driven features and precise targeting options, Google Ads delivers measurable results and a solid return on investment.


Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO platform providing a wealth of resources for optimising websites and improving search engine visibility. From backlink analysis to competitor research, Ahrefs equips marketers with the tools they need to enhance their SEO strategies and drive organic traffic.


Trello shines as a content management tool, facilitating collaboration and organisation within digital marketing teams. Its user-friendly interface allows teams to brainstorm ideas, assign tasks, and track project progress effectively. 

With features like deadline management and remote access, Trello streamlines workflows and ensures that no aspect of a marketing campaign is overlooked.


Canva is THE go-to design tool for creating visually stunning content tailored to digital marketing campaigns. With its drag-and-drop interface, templates and design elements, Canva is a breeze to use. You can easily craft compelling social media posts, blog graphics, and more, without the need for extensive design expertise.


MailChimp stands out as a top choice for social advertising and email marketing, offering robust features for creating and automating digital marketing campaigns. 

With easy-to-use design tools and AI-powered assistants, MailChimp allows marketers to create personalised emails and gain valuable insights and analytics, all while engaging with their audience effectively. Particularly beneficial for online retail and e-commerce businesses, MailChimp helps drive traffic, increase conversions, and grow sales.

Survey Anyplace 

Survey Anyplace offers a unique approach to gathering customer feedback and insights through interactive quizzes and surveys. Survey Anyplace offers personalised advice and engaging questionnaires to help you understand your market’s demands, gather valuable data, and build brand identity effectively.

What NOT to do in 2024

Just like any other field, as marketing evolves, certain practices become obsolete. Let’s take a look into a few things to avoid doing this year as you level up your marketing.

Not creating video content

Overlooking the power of video content in marketing strategies can hinder brands’ ability to engage with audiences effectively. Video content has emerged as a dominant force in digital consumption trends, commanding a significant share of internet traffic. Those who fail to invest in video content creation risk missing out on opportunities to connect with audiences across various platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. By prioritising video marketing efforts, you can effectively convey your messaging and resonate with audiences compellingly and engagingly.

Unyielding SEO

First and foremost, reliance solely on traditional SEO tactics is no longer sustainable. Keyword stuffing and generic link-building strategies are becoming less effective as search engine algorithms prioritise user intent and engagement. 

Moreover, with social media platforms increasingly serving as search engines, marketers must diversify their approach beyond traditional SEO to leverage platforms like TikTok and Instagram for enhanced brand visibility and engagement.

Leaving out TikTok

Ignoring TikTok as a marketing channel is something marketers should avoid if possible. With TikTok’s exponential growth, particularly among younger demographics, brands cannot afford to overlook its potential as a powerful marketing platform. 

By establishing a presence on TikTok, you can tap into a vast audience base and leverage its creative opportunities to drive brand awareness and engagement. As TikTok’s advertising platform continues to grow, brands stand to benefit significantly from leveraging its innovative features to connect with their target audience effectively.

Manual data analysis

Lastly, relying solely on manual data analysis is no longer feasible in a time defined by vast volumes of data. Manual analysis is time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to delays in decision-making and missed opportunities for optimisation. 

With the advent of predictive analytics, marketers can gain actionable insights and predictive models to optimise campaigns and drive results more efficiently. By using AI-driven analytics tools,  you can unlock the full potential of their data and make data-driven decisions that propel their marketing efforts forward in 2024.

Is SEO still relevant?

SEO has been the buzzword for marketers over the past decade but it looks like 2024 will see big changes in terms of search engine optimisation (SEO). The traditional methods of SEO, which focus on keyword optimisation and backlinking, are losing effectiveness due to advancements in AI technology. 

Google’s experimental Search Generative Experience (SGE), is reshaping how users find information online. With AI now capable of directly answering queries, the old SEO tactics are becoming less reliable.

One of the key challenges with traditional SEO is the saturation of SEO content generated by AI-powered tools. This flood of content makes it harder for businesses to stand out amidst the competition. Additionally, securing backlinks, a critical aspect of SEO success has become increasingly difficult as AI-generated content proliferates. In response to these challenges, marketers are turning to alternative approaches to supplement SEO. For example, YouTube emerging as a potent platform for marketing and sales. 

As the second-largest search engine globally, YouTube offers unparalleled opportunities for brands to engage with audiences through video content. Unlike traditional SEO, which prioritises written content, YouTube values authenticity and genuine human connection, making videos created by real individuals more compelling to audiences.

YouTube’s video search capabilities, combined with Google’s integration of video results into search queries, provide brands with increased visibility across platforms. Furthermore, the evergreen nature of video content ensures sustained engagement and conversion over time, offering a distinct advantage over written content.

Many competitors are hesitant to embrace video marketing, leaving a vast untapped audience for those willing to innovate. By leveraging YouTube’s reach and engagement potential, businesses can differentiate themselves and forge stronger connections with their target audience. 

To wrap it up …

The future of digital marketing in 2024 offers exciting opportunities for those willing to adapt and innovate. By staying informed, embracing emerging trends, and prioritising customer-centric strategies, you can build your career with confidence.

Relying solely on traditional SEO tactics, ignoring TikTok’s potential, and neglecting video marketing are major pitfalls to avoid. On the other hand, using AI strategically, prioritising personalised content, and adopting allbound strategies will yield much better results, faster. 

If you want to kick your career off in 2024,  book a call with us, let’s talk about it. You can also subscribe to our newsletter for the latest career information, tips, and updates. (They’re both completely free!)



Kahless is a writer with a special interest in sociology. He spends much of his free time travelling, reading, writing, and stopping his cats from ripping apart everything he owns. It’s advised to bring along a strong cup of coffee (3 espresso shots minimum) when approaching him.

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