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Why should you consider sustainability internships?

Sustainability internships

Today, we stand at the crossroads of change, where embracing a career in sustainability isn’t merely a choice; it’s a responsibility. Each individual plays a vital role in shaping a greener, more sustainable future. In particular, for students, graduates, and interns, this is also the best time to consider sustainability internships. 

Sharing his insights is Anthony Bennett, CEO of London-based NGO Reboot The Future. Anthony has been deeply engaged in the cultural, environmental, and educational sectors across his career, and talks about the importance of building a career in sustainability.

At Reboot The Future, the focus is on working with global youth, education, culture, leadership and values, with a particular interest in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Let’s dive in.

Sustainability is not a fad

Sustainability remains at the forefront of global priorities. The world population is growing and our wants and needs are also evolving and expanding at an unimaginable pace. Due to this, each new generation will hold a heavier and heavier stake in the well-being of our planet going forward—it’s the unfortunate truth of how life consumes and expels as it goes on. But the burden needn’t be so heavy that it’s unbearable—one that a burgeoning population can evenly split and handle without being overwhelmed.

In the present day, we grapple with overconsumption, poor housing conditions, disease, famine, extreme poverty, and a huge list of environmental problems that urgently need to be addressed. (This includes the thawing permafrost—but let’s not get into the ‘zombie viruses’ just yet.) 

Through collaborative endeavours—with both the public and private sector bodies leading the charge—we’re all trying to make a difference in some way. A major part of that is the SDGs, an international commitment which signifies a collective endeavour to “transform our world.”

These goals, set by the United Nations (UN), encompass a roadmap for addressing pressing global issues, ranging from climate change to social inequality. As the World Health Organization (WHO) puts it, “They are a call to action to end poverty and inequality, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy health, justice and prosperity.”

Governments, communities and even corporations are recognising the urgency of adopting environmentally friendly measures. In this landscape, there exists a range of factors that make the present—whichever present it is and whenever that may be—the ideal time for the younger generation to build their careers in sustainability. 

As sustainability takes centre stage in global conversations, the younger generation has a unique opportunity to drive impactful change and shape the trajectory of a sustainable future.

Why sustainability internships? 

In recent times, a resounding call for environmental action has echoed globally, reverberating loudest among the younger generation. This segment delves into the heightened awareness and deep concern that characterise the relationship between today’s youth and environmental issues.

Fuelled by a stream of alarming climate reports, they harbour legitimate concerns about the future of the planet they will inherit. From global climate strikes to social media movements, the youth are amplifying their voices, demanding urgent action to address climate change and environmental degradation.

“There is a huge amount of climate anxiety and … environmental consciousness, but also for young people, especially, there’s a lot of depression and mental health issues around what’s going to happen to the world. The way that we’re going get out of this is culture; it’s not gonna be a technocratic fix,” explained Anthony.

In a world grappling with the looming threat of environmental crises, the youth are not only seeking solutions but are also navigating the emotional toll of climate concerns. For the younger generation, cultural and value-based approaches offer not only solace but also a framework for collective action.

The intersection of culture, values, and climate consciousness propels them towards meaningful contributions, fostering a collective commitment to a sustainable and resilient future. In a world that is only growing more connected than ever before, working together towards a singular goal has never been easier.

What are the benefits? (Apart from saving the world)

Opting for a career in sustainability offers you a unique opportunity to align your personal values with professional endeavours. The connection to a larger purpose, that of safeguarding the environment and fostering social responsibility, could lead to a profound sense of personal fulfilment—and no, that’s not just a lot of wasted air! 

The emotional aspect of it is the rewarding part (and also the frustrating part but hopefully not for long!) and every win in your career counts as a win for the planet.

Anthony, underlining the commitment to preparing the younger generation for a future in sustainability, explains: “Green jobs are at the forefront of innovation and change, focusing on developing skills that will shape the future of renewable energies.” 

Bennett envisions a generation equipped not only with technical expertise but also with a deep understanding of values that align with creating a sustainable and resilient planet. The essence of sustainability careers lies in preparing the youth to be pioneers in the green workforce and architects of positive change.

As you explore the benefits and diverse pathways within sustainability, you’ll find personal growth and societal impact begin to coalesce. A career in sustainability goes beyond the traditional notion of work. It becomes a transformative journey that combines purpose, passion, and activism for a world in need of sustainable solutions.

We know that, without a doubt, many younger people are eager to contribute positively but there is no singular outline or path to guide them to break into the field of sustainability. 

This is an issue mainly due to there being a demand for opportunities where the younger generation can actively participate in sustainability. Not to worry! We’ve got the breakdown for you.

How to find a career in sustainability

Sustainability is not a monolithic field; rather, it encompasses a broad spectrum of careers, each playing a crucial role in building a sustainable future. From renewable energy initiatives that harness the power of nature to conservation efforts aimed at preserving biodiversity, the opportunities within sustainability are diverse and dynamic. 

You can find your niche in areas such as sustainable urban planning, eco-friendly architecture, corporate sustainability management, and environmental policy advocacy. But how do you get there? Well, it isn’t always so straightforward—point A to B to C. 

Sharing his own journey, Anthony said: “My career path is not a straight line. I went to an art school in Glasgow, and then I pursued my studies at an art school in Chelsea. I started my training as an artist, and I studied a discipline which was then called ‘environmental art’. Environmental art then was about not making just artworks for the gallery, but making it for society as well.” 

On how he went from artist to CEO, he explained: “Throughout my life, I’ve worked in the cultural sector and I’ve also worked within the environmental sector. I worked for a number of years at the World Wildlife Fund, but I also worked for the National Opera here in London and other similar institutions as well. So, when I came to Reboot the Future, it gave me an opportunity to reconcile my two interests.”

So, remember, don’t feel disheartened and overwhelmed if you’re unclear on which road to take just yet. 

Here are a few practical and accessible options to help secure a career in sustainability.


Of course, we’re going to start off with sustainability internships. Internships serve as invaluable entry points into the sustainability sector. Many organisations offer internship programs designed to provide hands-on experience, allowing you to witness the day-to-day operations of sustainability initiatives. 

These opportunities not only enhance your skills but also offer a glimpse into the real-world application of sustainable practices. It is also very possible to find paid opportunities when opting for an internship and easier to convert to full-time roles. 


Volunteering is a great way to contribute to sustainability causes while gaining practical experience.  Volunteering not only showcases your commitment but also expands your network within the sustainability community.

Look for local environmental organisations, community projects, or conservation efforts that align with your interests.


Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) play a pivotal role in driving sustainability initiatives globally. Joining an NGO allows you to engage with impactful projects, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and contribute to meaningful change. 

You can explore opportunities to contribute your skills to NGOs focused on environmental conservation, climate action, or sustainable development. 

Cold emailing

Networking is a cornerstone of career development. A great way to network and enter any field of work is to … reach out and ask! Consider reaching out to professionals you look up to, like activists, or even committed organisations through cold emailing

Introduce yourself, express your passion for sustainability, and inquire about potential opportunities or mentorship. Cold emailing can open doors to conversations and insights that may guide your career trajectory.

Engage with educational resources, attend workshops, and participate in initiatives like Global Dimension, a teaching resource hub hosted in partnership with Reboot The Future. 

Final thoughts

As students, graduates, and interns, you are at the forefront of a movement poised to shape the course of our collective destiny (no pressure). 

Choosing a path in sustainability means becoming an advocate for positive change, contributing to the achievement of SDGs, and actively participating in the global movement towards a more harmonious relationship between humanity and the planet.

As Anthony said, “The core of our interest is preparing our young people for the future and making them climate resilient.” Your sustainability journey is not just a career; it’s a step towards a future where environmental responsibility is at the forefront of our collective consciousness.

Wondering how to kick off your career in 2024? Book a call with us! Let’s talk about it. You can also subscribe to our newsletter for the latest career information, tips, and updates.



Kahless is a writer with a special interest in sociology. He spends much of his free time travelling, reading, writing, and stopping his cats from ripping apart everything he owns. It’s advised to bring along a strong cup of coffee (3 espresso shots minimum) when approaching him.

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