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7 reasons why you need an internship mentor

Reasons why you need an internship mentor

It’s no secret that internships are a great way to build your career. They provide valuable work experience within a short span of time, which is why seeking out an internship mentor is vital. A mentor provides you with all the support, guidance and insight you’ll need to get the most out of your internship.

Let’s talk about the role of an internship mentor, the seven reasons why getting a mentor could be useful to you, and an analysis of the benefits and other considerations involved. 

Role of an internship mentor

An internship mentor can be defined as an experienced professional in the intern’s chosen field. They provide guidance, support, and networking opportunities as you continue to function in your internship role

The importance of a mentor lies in their ability to help the intern develop new skills, provide constructive criticism, and help them identify growth and advancement opportunities. They offer personalised feedback to help the intern develop specific skills and achieve their professional goals.

Most interns are assigned a supervisor, who is responsible for overseeing the intern’s day-to-day tasks. A mentor is different, as they serve as a guide, providing insight into industry trends and opportunities and you would usually have to seek them out yourself.

To secure an ideal mentor, interns should identify potential mentors through research, networking, and colleague recommendations. They should approach potential mentors with a clear and concise message explaining their goals and interest in mentorship and establish clear expectations and goals to secure their mentor.

Here are seven reasons why you need an internship mentor and how having one could help significantly improve your career prospects.

Help build your confidence

Mentors acknowledge interns’ skills and talents and praise their accomplishments, building up their confidence. This is especially important as employers or supervisors may not always recognise these skills, but mentors recognise the importance of nurturing them.

Provide industry insights

Mentors have tested and proven experience in the industry, which can be invaluable for interns who are just starting out. They can provide exclusive insights into what to expect from the industry or position, helping interns thrive.

Objective feedback

Mentors can provide a feedback loop where interns can bounce ideas off them and get an objective assessment of the situation. They can be brutally honest, which is a rare quality in a professional environment. Mentors can help shake interns up from their comfort zone, and they can help them chase fulfilling opportunities. 

Skill development

Mentors can help interns discover talents and potential they never knew they had. They can identify areas where interns need improvement and provide guidance to help them develop those skills. These skills will go on to become your greatest assets in the future.

Support throughout and beyond

A mentor’s role is not limited to the duration of an internship. They can continue to provide guidance and support beyond your current role. They can offer advice on additional training, education, or certifications that can enhance your career prospects. By developing new skills, you’ll be more marketable and more likely to succeed in the industry.

Provide networking opportunities

Mentors can provide valuable connections within the industry, offering networking opportunities and helping interns make meaningful professional connections. They can introduce interns to industry professionals who can provide further guidance and support.

Career guidance

Mentors can provide guidance on future career paths and how to achieve professional goals. They can share their experiences and insights, helping interns make informed decisions about their careers.

Key points to consider

While there are many benefits to having an internship mentor, there are also potential drawbacks to consider.

For starters, it is possible that you and your mentor may have different personalities, which could make it difficult to work together effectively. As people are diverse, it is possible that personality conflicts may arise between the mentor and mentee.

Not all mentors and mentees will naturally click. Personality conflicts can negatively impact the mentorship experience. This can lead to issues in communication, a lack of trust and respect, and ultimately, a disengaged and unproductive relationship.

Your mentor may also have their own goals. This could conflict with your own, which could create tension or a lack of focus in the mentorship relationship. This ties in with differences in expectations for the mentor-mentee relationship.

It is also worth considering that your mentor may have limited knowledge or experience in certain areas of the industry or position. This, in turn, limits the scope of their guidance and advice.

In addition to this, there is always room for human error, where your mentor’s feedback may be unhelpful in certain cases. This could be frustrating and may hinder your progress during the internship.

Most of these issues can be resolved with good communication and interpersonal skills, which are great soft skills to have. At the end of the day, despite potential drawbacks, the benefits of having an internship mentor far outweigh the negatives.

Final thoughts

An internship mentor can be your strongest ally when you enter the working world. The job market is only getting more competitive and internships have become more important than ever before.

If you’re considering an internship, be sure to seek out a mentor early on who can help you make the most of your experience.

Look for someone who has experience in your field, and who is willing to invest time and energy in your professional development. With the right mentor by your side, you can gain valuable insights, develop new skills, and build the professional network you need to succeed in your future career. 



Kahless is a writer with a special interest in sociology. He spends much of his free time travelling, reading, writing, and stopping his cats from ripping apart everything he owns. It’s advised to bring along a strong cup of coffee (3 espresso shots minimum) when approaching him.

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