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Professional Mentorship Program

Our mentorship program is dedicated to connecting students and recent graduates with industry professionals, who can share their knowledge and experience to help benefit future generations. 

What are the benefits of mentorship?

We want to ensure students and recent graduates stay motivated and get the guidance they need during these times. We created this program to connect professionals with students and recent graduates around the world so they can benefit from your knowledge, experiences and expertise.


Grow Your Network

You will be paired with an industry professional in your desired field who will be able to help you expand your network and continue to grow professionally. This can lead to new opportunities and increase your employability over the course of the relationship.
supporting students and graduates

Enhance Confidence

Knowledge is power. We can often feel nervous and unsure of how to start our career journey. A mentor can help you identify and improve areas of weaknesses to help you build confidence in the field and yourself. A mentor can also bring transparency and increase your confidence in pursuing your desired career

professional mentorship program

Better Knowledge and Career Preparation

Your mentor can help provide insight into the inner workings and day-to-day life in your chosen industry. They can also help identify skills you may need for career development and the resources you will need to develop those skills further.

How can I receive a mentor?


Sign Up

If you’d like to be mentored by industry professionals, all you need to do is sign up to our program where we will ask you to provide us with more information about what type of mentor you are seeking to help you achieve your career goals.


Receive Mentor

After you have signed up, we will match you to an experienced mentor who can help you with your career and personal development. Your mentor will then reach out to you to introduce themselves and begin the mentorship process.



There is no end-date to your mentorship program. You can continue to connect with your mentor for as long as you need. In fact, we highly encourage remaining in contact and growing your relationship with your mentor throughout your career.

What to expect from the mentorship program?

One-on-one mentorship

You will receive one-on-one mentorship from your mentor, therefore, giving you individual advice that is personal to your situation and career desires.

Learn New Perspectives

By speaking and connecting with someone in your desired industry, you will get a better perspective of what it is like to work in that industry and will be able to decide if it is a career you wish to pursue.

In addition to this, your mentor may suggest some skills that are key to the industry that you had not previously considered to be valuable. Utilising these skills will help put you at an advantage over your peers.

Gain Valuable Career Advice
Your mentor can provide you with valuable advice on how to grow your career. They can give you guidance on interviewing, communicating and other key skills to help you get ahead in your career. Additionally, they can provide you with resources and help you stay focused and accountable for your career goals.

Your Obligation

We take care of finding your perfect mentor, but it’s important to understand what we expect from you.

1- Be Committed
The success of your mentorship program depends on how engaged you are with the process. We encourage you to actively participate and communicate with your mentor as this will help you learn, connect and grow as much as possible.
Ask Questions
There’s no such thing as a stupid question. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to your mentor – they are here to help you build a career in your desired industry. Ask questions about your mentor and their experiences. Be hungry to learn and improve.
Be Open to Feedback
Your mentor can provide you with valuable advice on how to grow your career. They can give you guidance on interviewing, communicating and other key skills to help you get ahead in your career. Additionally, they can provide you with resources and help you stay focused and accountable for your career goals.
Be Active
Your mentor will provide you with numerous resources and advice on how to further develop your skills. Be sure to utilise the resources they provide as it is for your benefit.

Sign Up for Mentorship Program

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