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How to network while remote working

How to network when remote working

In recent times, remote work has become more prevalent than ever before. While it offers numerous benefits, one challenge remote workers often face is the limited opportunity for face-to-face networking. However, with the right approach and tools, you’ll learn how to network effortlessly while remote working. 

How remote working hinders networking

Flexibility and independence are some of remote working’s most attractive benefits. On the flip side, it can get quite lonely working by yourself. It presents unique challenges when it comes to networking. Let’s explore some of the ways in which remote working can hinder traditional networking opportunities:

One of the primary challenges of remote working is the lack of face-to-face interactions. In traditional office settings, networking often happens naturally through casual conversations during lunch breaks, coffee runs, or office events. However, in a remote work environment, these opportunities for spontaneous connections and relationship-building are greatly reduced.

Remote workers may find it challenging to engage with professional communities and industry-specific events. Conferences, seminars, and workshops that were once attended in person may now be held virtually, which can make it harder to network with peers, experts, and potential mentors. 

Additionally, remote working may negatively impact communication. A study of 61,000+ Microsoft employees discovered that remote working, particularly from home, caused employees to “become more siloed in how they communicate, engage in fewer real-time conversations, and spend fewer hours in meetings.”

Relying solely on digital channels like emails, instant messaging, or video conferences can sometimes hinder the development of rapport and trust that face-to-face interactions foster. Non-verbal cues and body language may be harder to interpret, making it crucial to be mindful of the nuances of virtual communication.

To top it off, working remotely often means juggling various responsibilities and dealing with potential distractions. While multitasking and managing time efficiently are valuable skills, they can make it challenging to prioritise networking activities. 

Without a structured office environment, it’s important for remote workers to allocate dedicated time for networking and ensure they are not solely focused on their immediate tasks.

Why you must learn how to network

Networking is a critical skill, essential for your professional growth, especially in a remote working environment.  It opens doors to a multitude of professional opportunities. By connecting with individuals in your industry or related fields, you gain access to job openings, collaborations, mentorship programs, and potential clients. 

Building a strong network increases the likelihood of discovering hidden opportunities that may not be advertised publicly. Networking also allows you to tap into the collective wisdom of your professional community. 

Engaging with others in your field provides an opportunity to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and learn from diverse perspectives. By connecting with experienced professionals, you can gain valuable insights, receive guidance, and stay up to date with the latest trends and innovations.

Further, when you actively engage with others and contribute value to the network, you create a strong personal brand. Your reputation as a reliable, knowledgeable, and supportive professional can lead to new opportunities, recommendations, and increased credibility within your industry.

Remote work communities

Connect with fellow remote workers through online communities and platforms dedicated to remote work. Join forums, Slack channels, or virtual coworking spaces where remote professionals gather to share experiences, challenges, and best practices. Engage in discussions, offer support, and connect with individuals who can provide insights or opportunities within your industry.

Professional networks

Engage in online communities and professional networks relevant to your industry or interests. Join platforms like LinkedIn, industry-specific forums, and virtual networking groups. Actively participate in discussions, share insights, and connect with like-minded professionals. This provides an opportunity to expand your network, showcase your expertise, and discover potential collaboration or job opportunities.

Social media

Utilise social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram strategically for networking purposes. Follow industry influencers, thought leaders, and companies relevant to your field. Engage with their content by liking, commenting, and sharing valuable insights. Direct message professionals for personalised interactions or join industry-related Twitter chats to connect with a broader network of professionals.

Attend workshops 

Consider enrolling in online workshops, training programs, or web-based courses. These provide valuable opportunities to connect with instructors, trainers, and fellow participants. Actively engage in discussions, participate in group activities,

Reach out to professionals

Reach out to professionals in your field for virtual coffee chats or informational interviews. Request their insights, seek advice, or simply connect on a professional level. Prepare thoughtful questions, actively listen, and express genuine interest in their experiences. Building relationships through one-on-one conversations can lead to mentorship opportunities, referrals, or future collaborations.

Virtual events

Explore virtual events, conferences, and webinars tailored to your industry. These platforms offer networking opportunities through virtual breakout rooms, chat features, and Q&A sessions. Engage with fellow attendees, ask thoughtful questions, and connect with speakers or panellists afterwards. Proactively introduce yourself and follow up with meaningful conversations to establish lasting connections.

Content creation

Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry by creating and sharing valuable content. Start a blog, write articles or record podcasts on topics relevant to your expertise. Share your content through your professional networks and social media channels. This not only helps you build credibility but also attracts like-minded professionals who resonate with your insights, leading to meaningful connections.

Mentorship programs

Participate in virtual mentorship programs offered by professional organisations, educational institutions, or industry associations. These programs connect mentees with experienced professionals who can provide guidance, advice, and support. Engage actively with your mentor, seek their feedback, and leverage their network to expand your own.

Keep this in mind!

Networking doesn’t end with the initial connection; it requires nurturing and maintenance. Follow up with individuals you’ve connected with, whether it’s a personalised email, a LinkedIn message, or a virtual coffee chat. Stay in touch by sharing relevant articles, congratulating them on their achievements, or offering assistance when needed. Building lasting relationships is key to a successful network.

Working remotely doesn’t have to hinder your networking efforts; in fact, it presents unique opportunities to connect with professionals from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations. By leveraging online communities, attending virtual events, and engaging in one-on-one conversations, you can build a strong network that opens doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and professional growth. 

Embrace the digital landscape, be proactive, and invest time and effort in cultivating meaningful relationships. Remember, the power of networking lies not only in what you gain but also in what you can contribute to others.



Kahless is a writer with a special interest in sociology. He spends much of his free time travelling, reading, writing, and stopping his cats from ripping apart everything he owns. It’s advised to bring along a strong cup of coffee (3 espresso shots minimum) when approaching him.

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