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22 must-use tools for writing better in 2024

Here are the best tools for writing

Has writing gotten easier or harder than it used to be? Today, writing is a fundamental skill that has evolved in ways we couldn’t have imagined alongside the continuous evolution of technology. Regardless of which side of the fence you’re on, the honest truth is that writing hasn’t become easier or harder. It has simply become different. If you want to build on your skills, here are a few must-use tools for writing better that will help you significantly in 2024.

Why use these tools? 

From the tools we use to the platforms we publish on, every aspect of writing has been impacted by technological advancements. Along with these advancements came several helpful writing tools that can significantly enhance your writing process and overall output.

These tools streamline tasks, such as organisation, grammar checking, and collaboration, saving you time and effort. Some of them help improve the quality of your writing by offering grammar and style suggestions, and others help you keep your work neatly organised. 

Additionally, they can also help you with goal-setting and progress-tracking, which are vital for those who want to stay focused and productive. Overall, incorporating writing tools into your workflow empowers you to write more effectively, efficiently, and creatively, ultimately helping you achieve your writing goals with greater ease and success.

For those struggling with their writing, learning to use tools effectively can be a game-changer.

The planning phase

Project planning is the foundation of any writing project you’ll ever do. It involves outlining ideas, setting goals, and creating a roadmap for the writing project. Here are a few tools that will help you plan out your writing and keep track of your progress.

  • Trello: This is a project management tool that allows writers to create boards, lists, and cards to organise their writing projects. Writers can break down tasks, set deadlines, and collaborate with team members seamlessly.
  • Scrivener: An all-time favourite among many writers, Scrivener is a virtual writing assistant, offering tools for outlining, storyboarding, and organising your manuscript.
  • MindMeister: MindMeister is a mind-mapping tool that helps you brainstorm ideas, visualise your thoughts, and create outlines for their writing projects. It allows for easy collaboration and integration with other productivity tools.
  • Milanote: Your creative writing BFF, Milanote, offers a digital corkboard where you can pin all your research, ideas, and character profiles in one place.
  • Evernote: Capture your brilliant ideas anytime, anywhere with Evernote, the ultimate note-taking app that syncs across all your devices.

The research phase

Research is the backbone of any well-written piece, whether it’s an academic paper or a blog post. It’s the stage where writers gather information, gather sources, and gather insights to support their arguments or ideas.

For inspiration

  • BuzzSumo: Use BuzzSumo to discover trending topics and analyse content performance. It’s an ideal content research tool for uncovering popular articles and influencers in your niche.
  • Reddit: You can explore various subreddits relevant to your topic to uncover valuable insights, user-generated content, and trending discussions. With its vast community of users, Reddit offers a wealth of information and diverse perspectives to enrich your research process.
  • ChatGPT: Engage in conversation with ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas, clarify concepts, or seek inspiration for your writing projects. 


  • Ahrefs: Dive deep into SEO research with Ahrefs, the ultimate tool for keyword analysis, backlink research, and competitor analysis to boost your content’s search engine ranking.
  • Semrush: Conduct comprehensive keyword research, track your website’s performance, and analyse your competitors’ strategies with Semrush, the all-in-one marketing toolkit for digital marketers. 
  • Google Trends: Stay ahead of the curve with Google Trends, your window into the latest search trends and topics buzzing on the web to tailor your content to audience interests.

For quotable sources

  • Quora: Tap into the collective knowledge of millions of users worldwide with Quora, the question-and-answer platform where you can find valuable insights, industry trends, and user-generated content ideas.
  • Google Scholar: Delve into scholarly articles and academic papers with Google Scholar, your go-to resource for in-depth research and citation exploration. It provides advanced search filters and citation metrics to help writers find reliable sources.
  • Connectively (Previously HARO): Connectively links writers with expert sources for articles. Sign up as a source to receive daily emails with queries from journalists seeking input. It’s a great way to find expert opinions and quotes to enhance your writing.

The writing phase

The writing phase is where the magic happens, as writers put pen to paper (or, well, fingers to keyboard) and transform their ideas into written content. Here are some tools that help you in the process.

  • Writemonkey: Need to eliminate distractions and focus solely on your writing? This super light word processor provides a stripped-down user interface, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your words. Along with support for Markdown Extra, Textile, and WikiCreole markup standards, Writemonkey allows you to structure your writing effortlessly.
  • OmmWriter: Another zen writing tool similar to Writemonkey, OmmWriter is designed to help you think and write without distractions. With soothing background noises, customisable keyboard sounds, and peaceful backgrounds to choose from, OmmWriter creates the perfect ambiance for your writing sessions.
  • Google Docs: Of course, this one’s indispensable. For those who prefer a more collaborative writing experience, Google Docs is the ultimate document tool. With real-time editing and commenting features, you can work together with colleagues or clients seamlessly. Plus, with its cloud-based platform, your documents are accessible from anywhere, anytime.
  • Ulysses: Write distraction-free with Ulysses, the minimalist writing app that provides a clean and clutter-free interface. With its seamless integration across all your devices, you can pick up where you left off no matter where you are.

The editing phase

Time to become your biggest critic! Editing is the polishing stage of the writing process, where writers refine their drafts, correct errors, and improve overall coherence and flow.

  • Grammarly: Possibly the most famous grammar tool and proofreader in the world, Grammarly detects errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as provides suggestions for improving writing style and tone. Grammarly helps writers produce polished and professional-looking content. 
  • ProWritingAid: This is a web editor and plugin that detects grammar and spelling mistakes, plagiarism, and contextual errors. It also provides reports on writing style, sentence length, and repeated words and phrases. It guides your edits by highlighting areas for improvement and providing detailed insights into your writing style and structure.
  • AutoCrit: AutoCrit analyses your manuscript to identify areas for improvement, including pacing, dialogue, word choice, and repetition. By comparing your writing to that of popular authors and providing detailed analyses, it helps you refine your writing style and enhance the readability of your work.
  • WordRake: This tool identifies and removes unnecessary words and phrases to improve the clarity and conciseness of your writing. By streamlining your prose and tightening your sentences, WordRake enhances the flow and impact of your writing, ensuring that your message is clear and concise.

Now you have everything you’d possibly need to get started on your writing project, regard of scale, deadline, topic or medium. Happy writing!

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Kahless is a writer with a special interest in sociology. He spends much of his free time travelling, reading, writing, and stopping his cats from ripping apart everything he owns. It’s advised to bring along a strong cup of coffee (3 espresso shots minimum) when approaching him.

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