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6 Steps to Securing a Graduate Role

secure a graduate role

Job hunting can be stressful and challenging, but you can secure a graduate role in your desired field with the right advice and guidance. Getting this job can be the start of a meaningful career.  This blog post is here to provide you with expert advice on how to land a graduate job.

How to Secure a Graduate Role

1. Explore All Opportunities 

A graduate job generally means a role that requires you to possess a degree related to the practice of the profession, such as law, medicine, engineering, and social work. However, it’s usual for companies to include a university degree in the job requirements.  

The definition of a graduate job varies, but it has been associated with several employment arrangements. The following may be routes worth pursuing:

  • Entry-level jobs may or may not require a degree. A graduate job can be an entry-level job where little to no professional experience is okay.
  • Non-graduate jobs can be those that don’t need a degree or simply not classified as graduate jobs by employers. 
  • Graduate schemes or programs combine employment and training that last one to three years. New employees are trained for specialist or leadership roles.

2. Conform your CV

Your curriculum vitae helps you secure a graduate role. Write it according to the position you are applying for, tailoring it per the company’s job description. 

How to write a good graduate CV: 

  • Put your name and most recent contact details.
  • Focus on your education and experience relevant to the role.
  • Add a personal statement answering who you are and what you can offer. 
  • Include achievements/awards.
  • Keep it concise. 

3. Build Your Network

Making friends in school can be the start of networking. Your connections, which can include graduates and professors, can give you insights in finding a job or, better yet, know of job opportunities in your field. Being active in student organisations also expands your social circle, with leadership roles as great additions to your resume.

4. Keep an Eye on Graduate Internships 

Internships maybe your best course of action if you can’t find a job right away. By interning, you’ll gain more experience and boost your employability. You may also be offered a full-time position. Just be aware of the internship being paid or unpaid and how it’s different from a graduate scheme

5. Be Prepared for Interviews 

Putting together your CV is preparing for an interview, which can happen more than once, for the role. It’s the opportunity to show why they should hire you, from your skills to your efforts in doing your research. Resolve any issues that could hinder your performance, like connectivity or awkwardness when doing video interviews.

6. Know Your Worth

With job hunting so competitive, it’s imperative to apply for jobs before graduating. Still, you have to be confident and show a winning attitude. Recognise your strengths and work on your weaknesses, and if the application doesn’t turn out well, try again or move to the next prospect.  

Ready for Your Role

It looks like you are all set to land your dream job post-graduation. Keep up with the latest trends and tips in employment here. 

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Aubrey i​s a writer and a regular contributor. She writes on topics on job searching and career development in hopes to provide better tips on job hunting and career development.

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