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5 top resources to help you prepare for interviews (Part 2)

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Interviews are only really stressful when you’re starting out. Eventually, with the help of some experience and light reading, you start seeing the patterns and making improvements to how you handle interviews. This guide aims to be part of the light reading you need to prepare for interviews (along with part one, of course).

Below, you’ll find a list of blogs to help you navigate five major interview obstacles.

So, let’s get started.

#1: Answering the question ‘Why are you a good fit for this job?’

Answering the pivotal question, “Why are you a good fit for this job?” with finesse and confidence is a skill that could sway the odds significantly in your favour at an interview.

The article starts by emphasising the importance of understanding the underlying purpose of this question. You’ll grasp that the interviewer isn’t just looking at your resume; they want you to connect your traits, skills, and experiences directly to the role. It’s about showcasing your potential impact on the company and displaying your awareness of the job’s demands.

Reading further, you’ll discover a four-step approach that streamlines your preparation process. The first step, as we always encourage, is to thoroughly research the company, digesting its values and achievements. This enables you to tailor your response to resonate with their goals. Next, you dissect the job description, extracting key qualifications and expectations to address in your answer.

The article guides you in crafting impactful talking points, with a focus on personality traits, skills, and achievements. It underlines the power of specificity – how highlighting relevant skills like Adobe Photoshop for a graphic designer role elevates your candidacy. By weaving in concrete examples, you demonstrate your past accomplishments, effectively bridging the gap between potential and performance.

The guide doesn’t just stop at preparation; it encourages practice. Through mock interviews with a trusted friend or mentor, you’ll refine your delivery, perfecting the art of communicating your fit succinctly and convincingly.

Ultimately, this article empowers you to approach the “fit” question strategically. It ensures you’re not just listing attributes but crafting a compelling narrative that aligns your abilities with the company’s needs. This nuanced approach not only sets you apart but also boosts your self-assuredness in interviews. So, embrace this guide, equip yourself with a polished response, and confidently pave your way to interview success.

#2: The ultimate guide to interview body language

It’s true that your body language speaks volumes before you even say a word. Which is why mastering non-verbal communication can be a game-changer. It’s like giving your words a visual boost, helping you come across as engaged, confident, and reliable. This blog helps you understand how your body language translates in an interview setting.

Research shows that 93% of communication is non-verbal, with body language, tone, and gestures taking on a larger role. The way you move, stand, and use your eyes can reveal your feelings and attitude, sometimes even more convincingly than your words. However, deciphering non-verbal cues isn’t universal – it’s influenced by culture, experiences, and personal perspectives.

Additionally, non-verbal communication is more than just a side note – it’s a powerful tool that can influence how potential employers perceive you. The blog breaks down the key components of non-verbal communication, from gestures and facial expressions to posture and eye contact. By delving into these elements, you’re gaining insight into how each aspect contributes to conveying your thoughts, feelings, and professionalism without saying a word.

With practical advice, like the importance of a firm handshake and the impact of genuine smiles, you’ll discover actionable ways to showcase confidence and engagement. Additionally, it talks about how to adapt your non-verbal cues based on the context, whether it’s mirroring the interviewer’s body language or adjusting your facial expressions to match the conversation.

#3: 15 good questions to ask recruiters

This article gives you a smart advantage – it’s all about getting ready to pose the right questions to the recruiters, a move that shows your eagerness and diligence while also offering you insights to help shape your decision-making process.

It presents a well-rounded approach to interviews that goes beyond merely showcasing your skills, guiding you in having a balanced conversation, where you can uncover essential details about both the role and the company. This approach reveals that your questions aren’t just ordinary inquiries; they’re potent tools to assess whether the job aligns with your aspirations.

The article presents a set of 15 carefully crafted questions for you to choose. These questions span from practical queries about the job responsibilities to gaining a clear grasp of the company’s long-term goals. By inquiring about the toughest parts of the job and the company’s current priorities, you gain a better understanding of the real challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

In essence, it takes the pressure off interviews and turns them into mutually beneficial conversations. You’ll discover the power of using your questions as tools for self-assessment and to gain insights into the company’s landscape. 

This approach isn’t just about tackling interviews – it’s a savvy way to navigate towards your dream job. With these questions ready, you’ll not only express your enthusiasm but also gather essential information, making a lasting mark in the process.

Remember, though, there’s a knack to it. The article cautions against asking basic questions you could have easily researched, like the company’s core purpose or competition. And it’s best to save salary and benefits inquiries for later stages.

One more additional tip – it’s helpful to keep in mind that recruiters are under their own share of pressure. They’re just as keen as making the right choice matters to them too.

#4: How to follow up after an interview

This is a toolkit listing practical steps to help you stand out, boost your candidacy, and strike the perfect balance between staying engaged and avoiding any “overly eager” vibes — all within a single post-interview follow-up email.

It highlights the strategic importance of a ‘Thank You’ email – a simple gesture with a powerful impact. There is nuance to locating interviewer email addresses and crafting personalised messages that showcase your enthusiasm and underscore your qualifications. The blog emphasises the value of genuine appreciation, reflecting your commitment to the role and respect for the interview process.

Beyond gratitude, you gain insights into conducting a self-evaluation. This step helps you dissect your interview performance, identifying strengths to celebrate and areas for improvement. You’re encouraged to self-assess confidently and pinpoint opportunities to refine your responses for future rounds, improving your overall candidacy.

It also covers multi-pronged job search strategies, encouraging you to remain proactive by exploring potential opportunities with industry competitors or similar roles, keeping your options open and your prospects diverse.

#5: How To Ace A One-Way Video Interview

This blog equips you with essential insights and strategies to master the one-way video interview, an increasingly popular method of initial candidate assessment. It’s your go-to guide for acing this modern interview format, offering practical tips that ensure you present your best self on screen.

By delving into the pros and cons of one-way interviews, you gain a clear understanding of its advantages – efficient evaluation and convenience – as well as potential challenges like limited response time. This knowledge prepares you to navigate the interview landscape with confidence.

Beyond the challenges, it also covers useful solutions like how to create an optimal interview environment – a well-lit, distraction-free space – and troubleshoot technical glitches, ensuring you make a professional impression. The emphasis on practice cultivates your ability to maintain eye contact, composure, and confident responses.

You’re guided through answering common interview questions – from describing yourself to explaining your weaknesses – with tailored approaches that highlight your qualifications and align with the role. By understanding the employer’s perspective and conducting self-evaluation, you learn to showcase your strengths effectively. 

As a bonus, this blog’s real-world advice prepares you for success not only in one-way interviews but also in synchronous interviews.

We hope these resources will help you prepare for interviews with confidence and ease. Good luck!



Kahless is a writer with a special interest in sociology. He spends much of his free time travelling, reading, writing, and stopping his cats from ripping apart everything he owns. It’s advised to bring along a strong cup of coffee (3 espresso shots minimum) when approaching him.

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