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How To Ace A One-Way Video Interview

video interview tips

With all the required documents, tests, and interviews, looking for work can be tedious. However, modern technologies make life relatively easier for candidates and hiring managers. Online platforms can now take job applications, and software/programs streamline the entire process.

Take, for example, the newer approach to screening applicants at the initial stages of recruitment. Instead of speaking directly with applicants, the interviewer will provide job seekers with prerecorded questions to complete within a timeframe.

As with any tool, the one-way video interview has its pros and cons. Understanding the favourable and not-so-favourable aspects will help you or any applicant better navigate the format. Most importantly, acing this interview means knowing how to answer the most commonly asked video interview questions.

Pros of One-Way Interviews

For recruiters and HR personnel, asynchronous video interviews present a straightforward and speedy way to consider applications.

You can obtain answers to checkbox interview questions and process ten or more applicants in one setting. The submissions can be replayed any number of times and viewed by other hiring decision-makers.

Furthermore, job candidates need not worry about time-zone differences or travelling to the company location. Some feel less intimidated answering questions on the computer screen over speaking with a live person. They still have to look professional while taking the interview, but the format removes other pressures.

Cons of One-Way Interviews

This video interviewing can be challenging to applicants because of the following:

  • Limited time to answer questions
  • Technical and environmental issues
  • Lack of human interaction or visual cues

Here are some solutions so the above issues don’t derail your recorded interview.

The setup is easy to address: Station yourself in a well-lit, quiet, and interruption-free room. Try to schedule a time when no occupants will be going in and out of your space. If others are nearby during this time, let them know you’ll need as much privacy as possible. Don’t forget to silence any devices.

Check your camera angle, microphone, and internet connection before the recording. Tidy up the area around you and make sure the camera does not catch any clutter or items that aren’t professional.

The biggest challenge is coming up with satisfactory answers within the time limit. The practice is critical. Rehearse maintaining eye contact, appearing calm and confident, and framing responses that will get you to the next level.

How To Answer One-Way Video Interview Questions

Video interviews vary by the platform used, duration, number of chances to re-record answers, and so on.

Here’s a handful of typical yet tricky questions that can come up during one-way interviews:

Question: Describe or tell me about yourself.

Approach: Share a summary of your career, including your most recent role and plans. Your answer will touch on your qualifications, duties, and overall experience with the job.

The goal is to prepare an opening statement that covers these matters briefly. If you have an existing spiel, fine tune it according to the position. And don’t be afraid to mention a particular interest or passion if time allows.

Question: Why did you leave your previous job?

Approach: Did you quit to find new challenges/opportunities, higher pay, or somewhere near your home? Were you laid off or fired? Answer honestly and positively. Relay your story with facts, such as why you were let go, and highlight learnings from this experience.

Question: What is your ideal work environment?

Approach: The company wants to know how well you’ll fit into the workplace culture or new environment. Think about your preferred working atmosphere in physical and abstract terms.

Then check with the employer through their website, employee reviews, and social media channels. Your response can combine your expectations and shared similarities.

Question: What is your greatest weakness?

Approach: This question seems counterproductive when you are building yourself as a strong contender for the position. However, being aware of your weaknesses can be your greatest strength.

Pick your best weakness(es); it can be a trait you want to strengthen or a skill you want to master. Whatever this weakness is, make sure it won’t be a ground for disqualification. The key is desire and plans to overcome or improve.

Similarly, if you are asked about your greatest strength, highlight the skill or attitude that matches the role and makes you most suitable. Prepare at least three options with examples.

Question: Why did you apply for this job?

Approach: Alternatively, why do you want this job? The answer synthesises your bid’s significant points. Highlight your relevant skills, your interest in the position, and your enthusiasm about joining the company.

Final Tips

After crafting your responses, practice saying them on video or in front of a mirror. Keep condensed and extended versions of your answers for future interviews.

Finally, keep in mind that one-way video interviews can be excellent preparation for synchronous or live interviews.

Ace this format, and you’re well on your way to landing the position.

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Julia Hurtado

Julia Hurtado

Having spent an entire summer dedicated to travelling abroad, Julia now focuses on helping other students experience life outside their home country. As an American now working in London, Julia enjoys sharing advice on interning abroad, sipping tea (with 2 sugars, 1 milk please) and reading in her spare time.

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