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10 Ways to Get Hired ASAP

Job search

Are you looking for a fresh start in a new company without delay? The fastest way to your next job is paved by a mix of traditional and ingenious strategies.

Conventional wisdom reminds you to build yourself up as the ideal candidate, impressing your potential employers with your skills and qualifications, interview answers, and assessment results. Modernity, on the other hand, calls for leveraging the power of the internet and its myriad of opportunities.

These tips will help you find a job quickly.

1. Identify the Jobs You (Could) Qualify for

Work on a list of your qualifications. Technical skills, soft skills, transferable skills, list them all down. Aside from jobs that you think you are capable of holding based on your experience and credentials, there may be other positions that utilise skills you already have. Consider pursuing them as well.

2. Go for a Targeted Search

Job boards make it easy to look for openings, but their accessibility attracts thousands of equally or more qualified applicants and thus intensifies the competition.

So, move from the front page to more refined results by exploring the job site’s advanced search options. Lookup jobs based on your preferences, like location, industry, salary, and education. Some sites also have options to include keywords in or exclude certain words from the results.

3. Subscribe to Job Alerts

t only takes a few minutes to set up alerts from job search engines and other employment and career-related websites. On Google, you can create an alert for a company, job fairs near you, and hiring opportunities, among other things.

4.Tailor Your Resume

With their experience, hiring managers can spot a generic resume from one crafted for a specific job posting. Your tailor-made resume, together with a tweaked cover letter, should contain what recruiters are looking for: your credentials and skills that match the jobs’ specifications and requirements.

5. … And Trim It

Studies show recruiters spend seconds (averaging six or 7.4 seconds) scanning resumes. This is another reason to keep only the parts that are relevant to the job. And if you want to be more creative and grab attention for your resume, make sure it looks professionally done.

6. Get Help from Friends or Family

People you know may know of job openings or know of others looking for people with your competencies. Scrolling your friends’ social media feeds sometimes does the trick. So, send them a message online or through text. Whether they are aware of hiring opportunities or not, let them know that you are open to work and willing to be referred.

7.Expand Your Social Network

It ties in with the above point about socialising and keeping your communication lines open. People you’ve previously worked with or have interacted in events and on social networking sites may have an excellent opportunity for you. Make it a habit to save email addresses and numbers.

8. Make Yourself Known in LinkedIn

Some companies or executives prefer to contact professionals directly through platforms like LinkedIn to speed up recruiting. While the site is not exactly a job board, maintaining a profile is advantageous given the platform’s global reach of 740 million members.

Accordingly, boost your profile and discoverability with a professional-looking photo, a well-written summary, a section of your work and education, as updated, and an array of your skills.

9. Follow Up

It’s been days since you submitted your job application or heard from HR. Cut the waiting period with a polite yet persuasive message inquiring about the status of your application. This move will save you and the company time and energy. You typically want to wait at least 7 days to follow up. In your follow-up, be sure to thank them for their time and opportunity to further demonstrate your enthusiasm and excitement for the role. You’ll also want to show that you are keen to know if your application will be taken to the next stage.

It’s not guaranteed, but your proactiveness could earn you an interview or fast track your application.

10. Prepare for the Interview

Your interview nerves can hamper your ability to come up with satisfying or coherent answers. Coming prepared is one of the most effective ways to combat nervousness or make the nerves more manageable.

You’d be more confident and assured that you did your homework on the company and industry, practised mock interviews, knew what to answer by heart, and looked the part of a successful job applicant. If it’s an in-person interview, come to the venue early to compose yourself. For a video interview, run a tech check and be on standby.

There’s no stopping you from getting the job of your dreams. Be patient, work on improving yourself, and find the most expeditious ways to reach your career goals.

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Julia Hurtado

Julia Hurtado

Having spent an entire summer dedicated to travelling abroad, Julia now focuses on helping other students experience life outside their home country. As an American now working in London, Julia enjoys sharing advice on interning abroad, sipping tea (with 2 sugars, 1 milk please) and reading in her spare time.

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