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Why London is the best place to study abroad

Why London is the best place to study abroad

London is the best place to study in 2022 for many reasons. One significant reason is the high quality of education: the educational system in London is world-renowned, and there are many excellent schools to choose from. Another is that the cost of living may be comparable to or not as expensive as major cities like New York. For this reason, London is a great place to set up a home base, save money for vacations, or start a career.  

What Makes London the Best City to Study in 2022

Why London for International Students 

According to London & Partners, the city recorded 125,035 students from China, the U.S., and other parts of the world in 2018-19. This number is indeed a record for that period and the past decade.  

Relevant rankings also back London’s reputation as the best place to study abroad. For example, one survey by Q.S. named London as the best student city, a title it has consistently held. The ranking is based on world-class universities and openness to international students, positive feedback, and career opportunities. 

Imperial College London and University College London are on the top 10 list of World University Rankings 2021 Q.S. According to this infogram, 63% of Imperial College’s full-time students in 2019-20 were from outside the United Kingdom.

Advantages of Studying in London

Cultural Diversity 

London is a multicultural city evidenced by the languages numbering over 300 that are spoken there. As people of different nationalities settle in for work, studies, or business, London has established itself as a cosmopolitan city. 

Being a student abroad builds you up for independence and growth. And living in a culturally rich and diverse city and interacting with its residents and visitors can teach a lot about tolerance, acceptance, communication, empathy, and more. 

Career and Employability 

As expected of a finance and business hub in Europe and the world, the opportunities to jumpstart your career after university are present in London. You can apply for a graduate role at BBC, Amazon, and countless companies with a significant domestic and international presence. 

You can also boost your employability by interning in London. Such internships can pay off in terms of getting the exposure and experience that can be obtained, work ethics and skills that can be honed, and contacts that can be added to your network. For a recent graduate or student, work experience derived from internships counts. 

Entertainment and Social Life

London’s myriad attractions offer a break from the rigours of school. The city is, after all, a centre of culture, music, fashion, and entertainment. But, notwithstanding its expensive reputation, London offers places that are free to visit or let you have fun with friends without spending much. 

Here’s a non-definitive list: 

  • The city is bustling with concerts, music festivals, and other special events all year round. In light of COVID-19, check out for what’s on in London.  
  • From art to any objects worthy to be known or remembered, London’s over 100 museums seem to have it all. The British Museum, National Gallery, and Tate Modern are some of the museums that you can visit for free.
  • Libraries in London are not just for studying, they are places of interest too. Take for example the British Library and its innumerable books, manuscripts, recordings, arts, and so much more. 
  • Enjoy nature with the Royal Parks. There’s Richmond Park and its deer, historic Hyde Park and its roses, and St James Park and its pelicans, to name a few.  

Cons of Studying in London and Their Solutions

  • Cost. Attending school in London is an investment. Tuition fees vary by degree and cost more for international students. You also have to budget for rent, food, shopping, entertainment, and other expenses. In this regard, scholarships, part-time jobs, paid internships, loans, grants, and student discounts may help cover the cost of your U.K. education.
  • Competition. Entry into a university in London is not going to be easy, given the high academic standards and the number of students applying for in-demand degrees. To that end, you will have to earn top grades and prepare for admission tests and interviews. 
  • Culture. The climate, the language, the food, and the people are some changes that you would have to get used to as a student in London. Keeping in touch with your family while making new friends may help you ease into your new environment better.  

Final Thoughts

London remains the one to beat for the title of the best place to study abroad for those dreaming of gainful employment or carving their career paths. Studying in a global city like London may be best for your future, so grab meaningful opportunities that can help you realise this goal.   



A personal blogger since her teenage years, Ying has always enjoyed stringing words together. Now, she teaches her primary school students to find the magic in writing. Her dream is to live off-grid in a cottage with all the coffee, ink and paper she can have.

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