Personal finance 101: Budgeting advice for interns

If you’re a student or intern struggling with managing your money, you’re not on this personal finance journey alone. Many of us start out with limited knowledge of how to manage our finances and usually learn from our experiences in life. Yet we can’t deny just how...

Best alternatives to master’s degree programs

So, you’ve finished your bachelor’s and are planning to pursue a master’s degree program (AKA grad school). Now, before you make that decision, hear us out. What if you had better, cheaper and more beneficial alternatives to master’s degree programs that you could do...

Top 7 tips for living with a roommate

Moving out of your parents is always a big step into adulthood. You are stepping into a whole new world where you are your own boss and most importantly, your own parent. So, you have all your belonging in a few boxes excited to start this brand-new chapter of your...

How to make friends in college

Going to college or university makes for a big bucket list. One item is to make friends, who hopefully will be for keeps or best friends for life.  What’s really important and probably the mantra of every college student is to live the moment and enjoy the fun and...

Top podcasts for college students

College is an exciting new chapter of life; it is your first step into adulthood and you will be in control of every aspect of your life from food, keeping track of your money while balancing your studies and social life. Sounds like a lot of work? Well, the truth is,...

5 Best tips to study for finals

How to study for finals is an all-important question for any student. There’s not one formula for successfully passing this test every time, but there are numerous ways to approach the situation, ace the final exams, and get satisfactory marks. So, we’ve compiled this...