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London to Mumbai: Life of an investment banking intern

Internship abroad

Good afternoon all! Today, we would like to introduce a new initiative to you guys. Over the course of the next six weeks, we will be following one intern on their journey through a six week internship in India. We will be using blogs to track their internship experience abroad, offering you guys an insight into the world of interning. These mini blogs are therefore designed to give you a taste of life as an intern, in both the working and the social spheres. We want to give you a snapshot of life as an intern, and share some of the experiences that our interns have with you.

At the end of the six week period, we will hold a question and answer session with our selected intern. Whilst we shall come up with a series of questions to ask our intern, it would be great if you guys could send in some specific questions. We have designed this mini interview to benefit our followers and prospective interns, so get stuck in!

So without further ado, let us present to you Pranay, an undergraduate student who goes to university in London. Pranay is currently studying Professional Accounting and has chosen to do an investment banking internship in India. He is working as an analyst in the company, so specialises in a number of different things ranging from research, synthesis, analysis and evaluation. So as can be seen, Pranay is not just specialising in one thing, but is gaining a number of different skills and really getting to the crux of one branch of investment banking.

Pranay’s Story-

Pranay is working in the Bandra Kurla Complex area of Mumbai, which is the equivalent of London’s Canary Wharf. The financial district of Mumbai is only one of the city’s attractions, as Mumbai is also host to a number of other great attractions. The city is now a hotspot for commercial trade and tourism, but is also renowned for its vibrant culture. Mumbai is also great for entertainment, as it is home to Bollywood and The Marathi Film and Television industry, raking in millions every year from its productions which now air in a number of different countries worldwide. To go alongside the entertainment, is Mumbai’s amazing food. India as a country is famous for its spices, great textures and combinations, and Mumbai is no stranger to the rule. The city is famous for curries, fusion food and also sweet treats. When people say you can find food for everyone and anyone in Mumbai, they really do mean it. Pranay really has got the cream of the crop on his internship!

Mumbai as a city is great, and the above listed assets are only a small selection of the city. With regards to the working scene, Mumbai is a place of maximum input for maximum output. Pranay is packing in a great deal during his days at the company though, and no minute of his working day is wasted!

Please stay tuned over the next six weeks as we track Pranay’s progress. We will include pictures along the way too. Comments and questions are welcome on all our blog posts, so feel free to interact with us as we journey through the life of an intern, abroad. We hope these blogs inspire you to apply for our internships and really give you some information about interning and the working life.

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