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Was interning abroad worth it? A former intern answers

As an international internship provider, we are very familiar with how difficult it can be to move your life to another country—even for a bit. There is so much that you need to consider, from visas to accommodation, finding the right employer or even the right...

Former interns share unexpected truths about interning abroad

The importance of global opportunities for career growth and personal development can’t be understated. It exposes you to new environments, helps you become independent and boosts your career. The issue is not with the opportunity, it’s with the sheer amount of...

Aiming high: Lessons from a mid-internship trip to Snowdonia

What does it mean to be aiming high? See, we aim differently, both on a personal and professional level, and we have different perspectives on what the “top” looks and feels like. That’s what makes each of our journeys unique. My journey to the top started from...

How a fashion intern got an all-expenses-paid trip to Milan

CP Note: We are proud to introduce and publish the work of very own CP intern, Kristina.  Fashion intern Kristina gives her thoughts on her experience attending the prestigious trade show Milano Unica 2019.   This summer I have the privilege of being a Fashion Intern...

50 hours in Edinburgh

A bit of background about me and the trip… I am from Taiwan and I am in London to do an accounting internship on Capital Placement’s London programme. Doing an internship in London is undoubtedly a great experience but as soon as I received the offer for the...

Life of a Deloitte intern in Bangalore, India

An interview with a Capital Placement intern on his experience interning in one of the most vibrant cities in the world. Nirav recently completed his first year of BCom in Finance and Marketing with Strategic Management, at McGill University, Canada. Nirav applied for...