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8 quick tips for a successful internship search

internship search quick tips

A successful internship search requires a strategic approach and effective execution. In today’s competitive job market, it’s crucial to stand out and showcase your potential. To help you in your quest for the perfect internship, we’ve compiled eight quick tips that will significantly improve your chances of success.

Why prepare for an internship search?

As the academic year progresses, you’ll soon find yourself on the exciting journey of searching for an internship. An internship is not only a valuable step toward your future career but also an opportunity to gain practical experience and essential skills and expand your professional network. 

However, finding and securing an internship can be highly competitive, requiring diligent preparation and strategic planning. In this introductory segment, let’s explore why preparing for your internship search is crucial for your success.

Firstly, preparation allows you to stand out from the crowd. The internship landscape is competitive, with many talented individuals vying for limited positions. By dedicating time to prepare, you can improve your application materials, refine your interviewing skills, and highlight your unique qualifications to potential employers. Being well-prepared shows professionalism, dedication, and genuine interest in the field, leaving a lasting impression on employers.

Secondly, preparation helps you identify and pursue the most suitable opportunities. Researching companies, industries, and internship programs allows you to align your interests, skills, and career goals with available options. Understanding the expectations and requirements of different internships empowers you to tailor your application materials, increasing your chances of securing a position that aligns with your aspirations.

Additionally, early preparation gives you the advantage of time. The internship search process can be time-consuming, involving tasks like researching, networking, and polishing application materials. Starting early allows ample time for these activities, reducing stress and enabling greater attention to detail. Some companies have early application deadlines or recruit interns months in advance, so being well-prepared ensures you don’t miss out on these opportunities.

Quick tips to get you started

We have established the importance of preparing for your internship search, but getting started can be pretty confusing — especially for first-time interns. Below, you’ll find the top 8 areas to focus on, along with supplemental information and more resources.

#1: Figure out your career path

Before embarking on your internship hunt, it is essential to take the time to discover your career passion or preferred field. This step is crucial for maximising your chances of finding the right internship opportunity and setting yourself up for long-term success.

Understanding your career passion allows you to align your internship search with your interests and goals. When you have a strong passion for a particular field or industry, you approach internships with enthusiasm and dedication. This genuine commitment to learning and contributing makes you a valuable asset to potential employers.

Exploring your career passion also helps you gain clarity about the skills and knowledge you need to acquire. By identifying the specific areas within your preferred job field that interest you the most, you can focus your efforts on internships that provide relevant experience and growth opportunities. This focused approach allows you to make informed decisions and target internships that align with your passion and long-term career aspirations.

Discovering your career passion contributes to your personal fulfilment and happiness. Engaging in work that aligns with your interests and values brings a sense of purpose and satisfaction. Internships in line with your career passion provide valuable experiences that not only enhance your professional growth but also improve your overall well-being.

Furthermore, having a clear career passion enables you to build a network of like-minded professionals. When you are passionate about your chosen field, you naturally seek connections with others who share your enthusiasm. This network can provide mentorship, guidance, and valuable insights into the industry, enhancing your internship search and future career prospects.

#2: Perfect your CV

Creating a standout CV requires careful attention to detail and customisation. A CV is a document used when applying for jobs, internships, or volunteer positions. It differs from a resume in length and format but serves a similar purpose. A cover letter is a separate document that introduces yourself and should complement your CV.

  1. To impress employers with your CV, start with a career summary or CV objective. A career summary highlights your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements, while a CV objective focuses on your skillset and what you can offer.
  2. Tailor your choice based on your level of experience. The experience section is crucial and should showcase your accomplishments and how well you performed in previous roles. Customise each description to align with the job requirements and use action verbs and quantifiable achievements. Organise your experiences in reverse chronological order.
  3. The education section should prioritise your highest level of education and any honours or specialisations. Professional qualifications can be included to highlight relevant training and certifications.
  4. Including hobbies, skills, and volunteering experiences can showcase your personality and demonstrate a good fit for the company culture. Be selective and tailor them to the job description.
  5. When structuring your CV,  and maintain consistency in formatting and fonts. Use clear and readable fonts, keep font size between pt.11 and pt.12, and bold headings to enhance readability. Utilise white space effectively to make your CV appear clean and well-organised.
  6. Keep your CV concise, aiming for a maximum of 1 1/2 pages. Avoid irrelevant information and focus on skills relevant to the position you’re applying for.
  7. Invest time in the design and presentation of your CV to make a good first impression and show your professionalism.
  8. Proofread your CV thoroughly and ask someone else to review it for any errors before submitting it. 

#3: Set up your LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for professional networking. Here’s a quick summary of how to optimise your LinkedIn profile:

  • Focus on professionalism: Choose a professional-looking profile picture and avoid casual or distracting elements. 
  • Highlight achievements and experiences: Emphasise accomplishments and experiences that demonstrate your skills and potential, even if you’re a student or recent graduate. Include club affiliations, academic achievements, internships, and volunteer work.
  • Utilise references: Request specific and detailed references from professors or lecturers to add credibility to your profile.
  • Purposeful connections: Clearly state your purpose when connecting with others on LinkedIn and engage in meaningful conversations. Join relevant LinkedIn Groups to network with professionals in your field.
  • Optimise your profile components: Craft a concise and personal bio in the first person, and use the headline section to introduce yourself effectively. Regularly update your profile with videos, pictures, and fresh content.
  • Pay attention to details: Avoid poor-quality photos, subjective statements, and profiles lacking references or poorly written bios.

LinkedIn provides an excellent platform to showcase your talent and aspirations. Treat it as a professional tool, optimising all its features to create a compelling profile. Your college work, even as a student or recent graduate, holds value and should be highlighted. Leverage the power of LinkedIn to enhance your career journey and make your profile stand out.

#4: Start networking

Networking is often misunderstood but is crucial for career growth. It involves building relationships of mutual benefit in various settings. The benefits of networking go beyond personal growth and can significantly impact your business or career. 

Successful networking requires finding your own style and comfort zone. Starting conversations can be as simple as complimenting someone’s outfit or accessories. To network successfully, identify your approach and consider events or places where you can connect with others. 

Nurturing relationships is crucial, so follow up with new connections through personalised messages or LinkedIn requests. Networking can fast-track your career, enhance communication skills, and open doors to job opportunities. 

Embrace networking as an opportunity for growth. Find a strategy that works for you and make it a positive experience. Networking is about learning, connecting, and seizing new opportunities.

#5: Cold email recruiters

While the hiring seasons are great, cold emailing recruiters during the off-season is also an effective method for securing internships. To succeed, you need to plan and organise your approach. 

Research and shortlist companies that align with your internship goals. LinkedIn is a useful resource to find relevant contacts. Avoid emailing high-level executives unless it’s a small company. Maintain an organised spreadsheet to track your emails and responses (we have a free template here).

When reaching out, use catchy subject lines, personalised greetings, and provide a concise introduction. Mention any relevant experience or knowledge about the company. Clearly state your internship proposal and highlight how you can address their pain points. 

Include a polite call-to-action and attach your resume or provide a link to your LinkedIn profile. Avoid using copy-paste templates; customise each email. Evaluate examples of good and bad cold emails to learn from them. Even if it fails, cold emailing contributes to broadening your professional network and can lead to valuable advice.

#6: Prepare for interviews

Here’s the ‘final’ step in your internship search. Preparing for a job interview can be stressful, but with the right approach, you can excel. Before the interview, research the company thoroughly, including its products, competitors, and social media presence. Take a look at the interviewer/s profile/s on LinkedIn and prepare questions specifically for them. 

During the interview, arrive early, dress appropriately, and let your personality shine. Listen carefully to the interviewer’s questions and respond thoughtfully. Avoid interrupting or giving short, vague answers. Instead, elaborate on your responses, highlighting relevant experience and skills. 

Use the STAR method to structure your answers, providing a Situation, Task, Action, and Result for each question. Remember to ask at least three intelligent questions at the end of the interview, focusing on company culture, future development, and the interviewer’s perspective. 

By following these tips, you’ll be better equipped to handle job interviews, make a great impression, and increase your chances of securing the job. 

You’ll find a list of more helpful interview resources here.

#7: Use AI to help with your prep

This might be the timeliest of quick tips: incorporating AI tools can give you a significant advantage. By utilising AI-powered platforms, you can receive tailored job recommendations that match your skills and preferences. Additionally, optimising your resume using AI algorithms increases the likelihood of passing automated screenings.

  • Chatbots can provide valuable practice by simulating interview scenarios and offering feedback. Building a strong professional network is crucial, and AI-powered networking platforms enable you to connect with mentors, industry experts, and fellow interns, expanding your connections and opportunities. 
  • AI-driven insights provide valuable information about the latest developments, internship opportunities, and employer preferences. You can also enhance your skill set by taking advantage of personalised learning paths offered by AI-driven online platforms, focusing on in-demand skills like data analysis or machine learning.
  • When it comes to interview preparation, AI tools can analyse common questions and provide guidance on crafting effective responses. By incorporating AI into your internship search, you can gain a competitive edge and navigate the job market more effectively.

AI tools can significantly improve your chances of securing a valuable internship. From personalised job recommendations and resume optimisation to interview practice, networking opportunities, and industry insights, incorporating AI enhances every aspect of your search. Embrace the technology, develop relevant skills, and leverage AI tools to optimise your internship search and increase your chances of success.

#8: Keep upskilling

Learning new skills offers numerous advantages during your internship search. Firstly, it allows you to expand your knowledge and become a more well-rounded candidate. Employers highly value individuals who show a willingness to learn and adapt, and by upskilling, you demonstrate your commitment to professional development. 

  • Acquiring new skills enhances your versatility and adaptability, which are qualities employers seek. As industries and organisations continuously evolve, having a diverse skill set enables you to navigate these changes effortlessly. It also opens doors to explore different areas within your field, increasing your chances of finding internships that align with your interests and goals. 
  • In addition, learning new skills improves your problem-solving abilities and critical thinking. Gaining knowledge in various areas provides you with a broader perspective, allowing you to approach challenges from different angles. This not only enhances your problem-solving skills but also boosts your creativity and innovation, which are highly valued in internships.
  • Furthermore, upskilling showcases your initiative and self-motivation to potential employers. By taking the initiative to learn new skills, you demonstrate your dedication to personal growth and professional excellence. This proactive approach sets you apart from other candidates who may have similar qualifications but lack the drive to continuously improve.
  • Investing in your skills development enables you to keep up with industry trends and advancements. By staying informed about the latest developments, you position yourself as a valuable asset to employers seeking candidates who can contribute to their organisation’s growth and success.

The best thing about living in the digital age is, there are so many ways to learn new skills online that make it easy, accessible and engaging.

Keep at your internship search

While these tips will certainly help, it’s important to keep in mind that it takes effort before you see success. So, here’s an extra tip: Don’t give up!

By perfecting your CV, optimising your LinkedIn profile, networking strategically, cold emailing recruiters, and preparing for interviews, you’ll significantly increase your chances of landing the ideal internship opportunity. We hope these tips will help you prepare to navigate the competitive internship landscape and take a significant step towards a rewarding career.

Remember! Embarking on your internship search with a prepared mindset maximises your chances of securing a valuable position. The effort you invest in researching, refining your application materials, and developing your professional skills will undoubtedly pay off in the long run.

Check out our job hunt cheat sheet to get started!



Kahless is a writer with a special interest in sociology. He spends much of his free time travelling, reading, writing, and stopping his cats from ripping apart everything he owns. It’s advised to bring along a strong cup of coffee (3 espresso shots minimum) when approaching him.

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